Yesterday I had a lovely day, reverting back to a child-like state at some points admittedly. I went to the beach for a barbecue. It was a lot busier then we'd expected but we managed to find a lovely little spot of sand just big enough for our blanket and barbecues in amongst the pebbles and stones. I'm proud to say, we managed to sit away from the wind this time so the smoke didn't bother us much. After the barbecue though, I stood at the sea-front and waited for waves to come then running away from them when I did. I enjoy the simple things in life :P Eventually I took off my shoes and let the sand and water rush in between my little toes-ies. I ended off the trip with an ice lolly and then felt sleepiness take over me all evening, struggling to stay away as I tried to clear stuff off my laptop so the space would go back down into the green levels and I could write my blog ( no such luck so far :/). I have the, sometimes awful disposition of never wanting to get rid of things. No I am not a hoarder or anything that extreme But I like to keep school work and photographs ( original versions and edited) etc etc. Unfortunately from putting different thumb-drives of work onto the laptop to back up the work and having had my last, broken laptops' data transferred and file changes etc. It seems I've ended up, in some cases, with 3 versions of different photographs and so I really need to have a THOROUGH go through of my laptop soon to clean out all the un-needed stuff before my laptop dies and I've lost it all because, if that happened I'd almost certainly cry.
I'm not going to do a LOOONG feature today, instead I'll just put in the 365 day project photographs that I owe you all :)
DAY 10
DAY 11
This is , obviously, an old image from when I lived in Namibia but, after scanning in the image to my computer I boosted it a little this morning and really proud of the results :D |
Love, Always
Luciie Panda