Monday, 25 March 2013

Big changes....

A little tidbit of information for everyone - Over the next few months I will be giving this blog a HUGE make-over and haul and I will come back strong and fighting. In June I finish my course in college and I have HUGE plans... I'll let you all in on a little more in the upcoming weeks

or perhaps I should keep it a secret and surprise you all with the unveiling of it in july

.... Hmmmmm... We'll see :)

Love always,
Luciie Panda

p.s. My Valentines day balloons are still going strong- I'll take that as a good sign I think

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Tumblr here I come...

I've had a Tumblr for a few years now that I've never used but as a forum for getting my photography out it could be really useful... So, I've JUST signed up for a new one now and over the next couple weeks I will get it properly up and running. 

My Tumblr will be a place for me to showcase my work with this blog remaining to be my main forum for ..well..everything :)

So, now that I've let you know :)

Love Always,
Luciie Panda

Mini Major to speak

As much as I wish I could take these two weeks that are meant to be towards a 'mini major project' to finish up all my other work that my life has distracted me from this past term in college and towards making a portfolio...etc... I'm also quite excited for my ideas towards this lil' two week project.

This time last year I'd FULLY decided that when doing this course that THIS IDEA that i'll be doing for this two week project would be my final major project but as I've evolved through the course this year I've adapted and changed my way of thinking and VOILA- Only a couple DAYS ago I finally decided what my final project will actually be.

I'm not going to let on to too many hints right now though and instead let you all know that VERY soon I'll have a constant stream of Inspiring artists, photographers and etc on this blog as the past few weeks I've come across so many that I've fallen for completely and can't wait to let the world know about :)

Other than that I don't have too much to say tonight as I have a whole list of things to cross off college-wise and even more in my head that need to be added to the bottom of it.

Love Always,
Luciie Panda

Saturday, 9 March 2013


This is my first free day in MONTHS so why do I feel guilty about it?

My mind is still keeping super busy though. I've spent yesterday and evening and today going back and forth with my ideas for my final project in college. I'm ALSO confused about whatever my project will be for the next two weeks..

So here's to hoping i'll get it all figured out and it won't all dissolve into a pile of nothing-ness :)

Love always,
Luciie Panda

Thursday, 7 March 2013

National Trust, Plas Newydd 1930's

Well... it's been a while. I'm sorry for abandoning you blog. It wasn't for lack of ideas for posts just lack of time.
I'm really excited to be typing this though, because after months of feeling like I've hardly touched my camera at all ( old or new one) I've finally done a photo-shoot and I'm really happy with how it's gone.

These photo's are part of a series done within college for the National Trust and a project they are doing with sustainable energy in Wales.
The National Trust are doing ALOT to try and create a sustainable future and, in wales, they are actually in the process of creating some sort of hydro powered energy to power all of the National Trust building in Wales. Don't take my word for it though as it's early morning so my head is a little hazy and facts are hard to remember.

After having a day visit at one of the National Trusts' Local Manor Houses 'Plas Newydd' where we were told a little bit about what they are doing and what they are planning to do in the future we (the art students)  were then given the brief to find a new, innovative way of presenting the National Trust and/or their work with Sustainable energy.

And without further ado..... These are my images taken. A video will follow shortly after :)

( Some images have both a coloured and more monochromatic version )
LuciieB Photography- 1930's fashion

LuciieB Photography


LuciieB photography

LuciieB photography

Luciie B Photography

Luciie B Photography

Luciie B Photography

Luciie B Photography

Luciie B Photography

Luciie B Photography

Luciie B Photography

Luciie B Photography

Luciie B Photography

Luciie B Photography

Luciie B Photography

Luciie B Photography

Luciie B Photography

All the images are LuciieB Photography copyright 

Photographer: LuciieB ( Me :P)
Model: Ruth Bunton
Location: Plas Newydd 

Love Always, Luciie Panda