Thursday 23 August 2012

New blog name, I think not! :(

      Okay, so a very short blog update for today simply stating that I am in hell trying to think of a new blog name. Once you have a sort-of name then trying to think of anything different is nigh-on impossible because the exact same series of words seems to come up over and over again. I have come up with a couple different names so far but none really seem to jump out as something remember-able and still with a little vadavoom! So:-
Memoires so truly, xox
Memoires truly xox
Memoires of a panda
Shoes and Snapshots
Lace and Lenses
oh gosh they seem to get worse and worse as they go on. I will probably end up going with the first one.
And for any people reading this back AFTER I've changed it then my name USED to be ' Weaving dreams through a looking glass'.. Something I very much approved of but at the same time didn't quite seem to roll-off-the-tongue as much as needed if I'd like to create any sort of following which I would, Of course, eventually like to have :P
I really want it to be slightly photography related, or fashion related yet it's becoming annoyingly impossible to find something :/

That's all I have to say for now, back to my suffering :P
Love Always,
Luciie Panda

{UPDATE!!} - Upon further refelction I've decided to keep my original name, perhaps even purchase the domain name for a year and we'll see where it goes from that ^__^

1 comment:

  1. Anything to do with pandas please :D x x x
