Tuesday 19 June 2012

Property, Akif Hakan Celebi and Photo-shoots

        So firstly a rather unwelcomed update on my life- After almost two years of solicitors, courtcase's and uncertainty about my future, today it is officially over. It hasn't ended the way I wanted it to and, without revealing all the details, I have about 2 months to find myself a new home after my mother and her ex have spent since 2010 fighting over owning my current home outright, with a restraining order against him during that period ( although he was around the whole time, working on the house near by and then later being allowed into our apartments downstairs ( that doesn't connect to the upper levels of the house) to 'work' on them to become finished holiday apartments. I suppose it's a bittersweet event now; It's all over but seeing him getting what he wanted all along by buying out my mother and it becoming officially his, makes me angry for many reasons, not just for the hell he put us through for years.
My sister has already moved on to her own place with her other half ( a baby is expected in August), my mother has found a new man who she loves unconditionally and loves her back and has bought a restaurant with him and practically lives with him so it's just little ol' me left to sort out my life and find myself a new place to call home.

Unpleasant news over, I've spent a very long time deliberating sorting out rates for my photography as I've never really charged anyone before and find that I have the awful fault of not wanting to ask people for, what I consider, lots of money even if I'm told that It's EXTREMELY cheap compared to many photographers and for what I SHOULD be charging. So if anyone out there reads this and has an opinion on rates then feel free to share, Or are you an amateur photographer yourself and having trouble coming up with fair rates?
I've been thinking to create an hourly rate for photo-shoots with a seperate rate for retouching time and also other rates for 'packages' - such as creating an entire modelling portfolio over a month etc.
I have rates in my head but until they are set in stone I shan't put them up online.
Also, my Flickr is finally starting to take shape after hours of slow uploading images to the site. I still have less than 50% of my work uploaded but a link for you darlings now whilst it's on my mind - Flickr

Now, FEATURE TIME! :) If any of you have someone in mind that you think I should feature in the future then please feel free to leave a comment with links to the photographers work :)
I actually can't believe I haven't featured this person before. Akif Hakan Celebi His style inspired me all through my Design& Technology course and his execution is brilliant. His work reminds me or everything I wish to be in a photographer, the use of colour is spectacular whilst his use to create his own world in his images, a place where people can be who they want, set apart from the dullness of everyday life and style through his use of incorporating models in amongst busy cities and bustling crowds. In fact I've found it nigh on impossible to not want to put ALL of his photographs here and so I've stuck to using his Fashion/Commercial work - to Quote him "Fiction photography is art because then the ideas of the photographer count and he creates something new, just like a painter."

Akif Hakan Celebi- fashion photography

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I I was going to include some of my own non fashion images in this blog too but I think this is enough for you all today :) 

Love, Always
Luciie Panda

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